Seventh Annual High School Scholarship Program
Sponsored by: The Law Office of D. Cole Phelps, PLLC D. Cole Phelps Scholarship Foundation, Incorporated
The Law Office of D. Cole Phelps is pleased to announce our seventh annual D. Cole Phelps High School Senior Scholarship program. Attorney Phelps is a product of Washington County Schools and believes in giving back to Washington County and the surrounding counties. He also understands the value of a college degree. Attorney Phelps is awarding fifteen (15) scholarships to high school seniors, who reside in Beaufort, Hyde, Martin, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties, with an opportunity to help with college expenses. This year, Attorney Phelps is awarding a $1,000.00 scholarship per recipient to fifteen high school seniors to high school seniors who have been accepted into a collegiate program in the fall of 2022. Applicants will be evaluated based on several factors including academic achievements, extracurricular activities, leadership skills, community involvement, and personal pursuits.
Forth Annual Scholarship Program
On Friday, July 14, 2017, in the presence of over 350 people, the Law Office of D. Cole Phelps Scholarship Foundation presented scholarships valued at $750.00 each to eight (8) deserving high school graduates from Martin, Tyrrell, and Washington Counties. Many thanks to all of the speakers, attendees, sponsors, my staff, organizers, caterers, photographers, ushers, event workers, and past recipients, all of whom made this night possible.
Our work is not done yet. There is still much work to do. This is the reason I came back home to Washington county, to give back to the county where it all started for me and to make a difference in the lives of our young people. To me, this is what life is all about: lifting others as you climb! #Blessed
Our Forth Annual Scholarship Recipients are:

Mr. Darrell Andrews, Jr.
During this recipients high school years, he participated in his High School’s Marching Band, Varsity Football and Basketball, along with outdoor Track and Field. This student was the Executive President of SGA, a member of the SGA Parade Committee, and also on the SGA Newsletter committee. Additionally, this student was a member of the National Honor Society and won the title of “Mr. PHS” for Plymouth High School’s Homecoming Court. In addition to this recipient’s extracurricular activities, he also managed to graduate in the top 10 percent of his graduating class.
When asked “what field of study do you plan to study and why,” this recipient responded by saying “over the course of the next four years I will become a graduate of Elizabeth City State University wand obtain a Business Administrative degree. By gaining this degree, I will return to Washington County after I have established myself, therefore ensuring that I will be capable of opening productive places for the youth to enjoy. I want to establish new clubs, a better equipped recreation facility, and new mentoring programs for the youth. By making an effort to create these outlooks for teens, not only will Washington County flourish, but also surrounding counties.”
This recipient, Mr. Darrell Andrews, Jr., represents Washington County and graduated from Plymouth High School.
This recipient participated in numerous activities throughout his high school career, some which include SGA, Interact Club, Future Business Leaders of America, National Honor Society, Cougar Corner Newsletter, National Beta Club, and he was a member of his high school Marching Band. He was a volunteer for Feeding America Canned Food Drive, South Creek Middle Band Mentoring Program, South Creek High Student Tutoring Program and was an ambassador at the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference. In addition to this recipient’s extracurricular activities, he still managed to graduate in the top five percent of his High School’s graduating class.
When asked about the plans for this recipient’s future, this student stated that they plan to attend the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications. At a young age this student’s grandmother sparked his interest in writing. With this enticed interest he plans on, “taking field reporting to the next level by not only reporting on what is happening in Martin County, but to report on various areas in North-Eastern North Carolina.” In doing so, he will be increasing awareness of situations that could impact lives on a global scale. He believes that those journalists are very rare, particularly in today’s world.
This recipient plans to return back to his community to pursue a career in either broadcast or editorial journalism. In doing so, he hopes to raise awareness regarding the inadequacies that North-East North Carolina has, which causes our citizens to be left behind.
This recipient, Mr. Andrew Council represents Martin County and graduated from South Creek High School.

Mr. Andrew Council
This recipient participated in numerous activities throughout his high school career, some which include SGA, Interact Club, Future Business Leaders of America, National Honor Society, Cougar Corner Newsletter, National Beta Club, and he was a member of his high school Marching Band. He was a volunteer for Feeding America Canned Food Drive, South Creek Middle Band Mentoring Program, South Creek High Student Tutoring Program and was an ambassador at the Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Conference. In addition to this recipient’s extracurricular activities, he still managed to graduate in the top five percent of his High School’s graduating class.
When asked about the plans for this recipient’s future, this student stated that they plan to attend the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications. At a young age this student’s grandmother sparked his interest in writing. With this enticed interest he plans on, “taking field reporting to the next level by not only reporting on what is happening in Martin County, but to report on various areas in North-Eastern North Carolina.” In doing so, he will be increasing awareness of situations that could impact lives on a global scale. He believes that those journalists are very rare, particularly in today’s world.
This recipient plans to return back to his community to pursue a career in either broadcast or editorial journalism. In doing so, he hopes to raise awareness regarding the inadequacies that North-East North Carolina has, which causes our citizens to be left behind.
This recipient, Mr. Andrew Council represents Martin County and graduated from South Creek High School.

Ms. Kellie Luton
She is an active volunteer at the Roper Volunteer Fire Department, member of the Hunter Safety Team, a member of the National Honor Society, and President of Future Farmers of America. She volunteered at the Nursing Home Axillary, along with the Food Bank Project, and the Greenville North Carolina Christmas Toy Drive. Additionally, this student had the third highest overall GPA of her graduating class which bestowed upon her the prestigious honor of achieving the highest average in CTE courses, along with being on the Honor Roll/ Principal’s List. This young lady was accepted to North Carolina State University where she has committed to and will attend in August, majoring in Agricultural and Extension Education with a minor in Agricultural Business Management.
When this wise young lady was asked the question of “If you had unlimited talents, money, resources and influence what would you do with your life” she had this response, “If I were to have unlimited talents, money, resources, and influence I would want to start a Farm to Table Nutrition initiative for Washington county primarily, but expand the program to counties across North-Eastern North Carolina.” She begin to describe her life growing up in Washington County where she “encountered numerous situations where friends and classmates only ate at school. I put myself into their shoes and it hurt my heart to know that I could go home and have a meal whenever, but some of my classmates are unable to have that type of freedom” she said.
This recipient goes on to elaborate on how she would form partnerships with local schools and NC Cooperative Extension and use her funds, resources, and connections to produce a farm to help families in Washington County get necessary nutritious foods. “Not only would this help feed families, it would also open up new job opportunities in Washington County” she said.
This recipient, Ms. Kellie Luton represents Washington County and graduated from the North East Regional School of Biotechnology and Agriscience.

Ms. Kayleigh Olecki
This recipient was active in her High School’s Drumline, she was the Class President, member of The National Honor Society, and volunteered in the community frequently. In order to gain a better understanding of how local elections work, this recipient obtained a part time job with the Washington County Board of Elections.
When this recipient was asked to name one person that they aspire to be like, this recipient replied, “I aspire to be like Ellen DeGeneres. She is a smart, funny, talented, and ambitious person who strives to make the most of her work and give back to those who have supported her throughout her life and career. Ellen has given countless amount of aid to those in need and numerous charities. She has also touched the lives of many and continues to do so throughout her life. I aspire to be like her because I wish to touch just as many lives and make the world a better place one step at a time.”
This recipient has committed to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to major in Computer Science. Studying computer science will provide this recipient with the knowledge and aptitude to gain influence as I work to give back to my community.
This recipient, Ms. Kayleigh Olecki represents Washington County and graduated from Creswell High School.

Ms. Keila Rawls
This recipient is an active member in the Girl Scouts of the Colonial Coast, Youth Leader of her Church Youth Group, Lead Member of Tobacco Reality Unfiltered, and was a member of Columbia Early College High School Volleyball Team. These extracurricular activities aided in this recipient receiving the honors/awards of Outstanding Student in Spanish, Project Uplift Nominee, NC East Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership Ambassador, and also Graduation Marshal.
This recipient has decided to attend the University of North Carolina at Wilmington where she will be majoring in Biology with an emphasis in Pre- Health.
When this recipient was asked to “name one person who is either living or deceased that you aspire to be like,” she responded with the name Jana T. Rawls. This recipient stated that “Jana T. Rawls, my mother has always provided help where it is needed. I’ve seen her face countless obstacles with optimism and hope in her heart. I’ve also witnessed my mother endure those tough times and by all means succeed and achieve goals. She helped shape me into the young woman I am today, and for that I am grateful and with the influential impact my mother had on me I want to be that inspiration to the youth of Tyrell County. I want to motivate as many young people as I can to go out and chase your dreams, and encourage them to surpass the stars on their strive to greatness and accomplish things that they never imagined possible.”
This recipient, Ms. Keila Rawls, represents Tyrrell County and graduated from Columbia High School.

Ms. Teyonna Saunders
This recipient was an active player on Plymouth High School’s Varsity Cheerleading Team, a member of HOSA- Future Health Professionals, where she was the Chapter Vice President, helped to orchestrate holiday canned food drives, attended the NC HOSA State Leadership Conference in Greensboro, NC and was a Certified Vision Screener for Prevent Blindness NC. This recipient was continuously on the Honor Roll/Principal’s List throughout her High School Career, which was yet another step on the ladder of success that led to this recipient being elected as her Class of 2017 Vice President. She is member of her church’s Youth and Heel’s Choir, and an active member of Washington County’s Law Enforcement Explorer’s. This recipient has decided to further her education at North Carolina A&T University where she will be majoring in Chemistry with a focus on Pre-Pharmacy. After she becomes a pharmacist, she plans to open her own pharmacy similar to the one she is working at now.
When asked who is one person that you aspire to be like, this recipient said, “My grandfather Bishop Avery Barnes, Senior. He inspires me to be a great leader like him. He has been pastoring his own established church for over thirty years. He now has three churches that he oversees. His leadership skills are awesome because he always puts his church members before himself. Some days he doesn’t feel the best, but he still comes to church every Sunday and does not miss any event that is being held at the church. He is truly a servant leader and I hope that I will be a great leader like him one day”
This recipient, Ms. Teyonna Saunders, represents Washington County and graduated from Plymouth High School

Mr. Jacob Smith
This recipient participated on his high school’s Varsity Baseball and Varsity Wrestling teams. He was also a member of the Swing Dance club, a member of the shooting team, along with the soil judging team. Additionally, he was a member of the Future Farmers of America Organization. This recipient believes in putting others before himself as he volunteers for Hurricane Cleanups, at the Roanoke Landing Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, and at the Port O’ Plymouth Museum. Additionally, this recipient was a physics teaching assistant leading physics tutorials weekly during his high school years. When asked “if you had unlimited talents, resources, money, and influences, what would you do with your life and why?” This recipient emphasized on the topic of how beneficial an education is to escaping poverty. “I don’t believe that where you are born should determine the quality of education you receive. The problem is that most poor regions, like North Eastern North Carolina, have educational systems that are underfunded and unable to compete with well-funded systems. This creates a catch twenty-two in which the poverty stricken are unable to escape poverty and achieve success to the same degree as those coming from well-funded systems, which means that the region will remain poor and the cycle of poverty will continue. I will use my influence to encourage lawmakers and politicians to allocate more funding to schools in need.”
This recipient plans to continue his education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majoring in Computer Science, with the aspirations of making an impact on the medical field by creating software capable of aiding medical personnel in their duties.
This recipient, Mr. Jacob Smith , represents Washington County and graduated from the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics.

Ms. Amy Ward
This recipient was an active member on her Volleyball and Track team where she received recognition for All Academic Team Volleyball, along with All-Academic Team Track Excellence. These two awards were accompanied when this recipient earned regional North Carolina High School Athletic Association 1A titles, where she received both Gold and Bronze Medals. She was a member of the Beta Club, Treasurer of the National Honor Society, sat on the Executive Board of the Student Government Association where she held the title of Treasurer. In addition to this recipient’s extracurricular activities, she was a member of her high school’s Honor’s Program throughout her entire high school career, obtained a Grade point average of a 4.7 delegating her to be Valedictorian of the 2017 graduating class.
When this recipient was asked, if she could change one thing about her county, what would it be and why she responded, “Our county needs more young people, to bring in fresh new businesses and children. I hope to practice veterinary medicine in Martin County. I love this county and I hope it will grow one day. I know that it will grow because of people like me returning and reinvesting.”
This recipient will attend North Carolina State University where she will major in Animal Science. This recipient plans to return to Martin County after obtaining her education where she will own her own veterinarian practice. This recipient stated one if the truest quotes there is that, “If you love what you do, you will never work a day in your life.”
This recipient, Ms. Amy Ward represents Martin County and graduated from Riverside High School
Third Annual Scholarship Program
On Friday, July 15, 2016, over three-hundred people attended the third annual Law Office of D. Cole Phelps Scholarship Banquet, which was held at Plymouth Church of Christ in Plymouth, North Carolina. The Law Office of D. Cole Phelps PLLC awarded scholarships valued at $500.00 each to eight (8) deserving high school graduates at the Third Annual Law Office Of D. Cole Phelps Scholarship Banquet. The 2016 recipients were: Lauren Bazemore, Melanie Burnette, Kendrel Cabarrus, Deiri Ruby Diaz-Ochoa, Corey Goss, Lindsea Mizell, Daneya Rouson, and Evan Waters.
Many thanks to the following individuals who participated on our program: the Creswell High School JROTC Tiger Battalion for the posting of the colors, Latasha L. Cobb; US Congressman GK Butterfield who represents North Carolina’s First Congressional District; Constance Davenport; Plymouth Mayor Brian Roth; Chief Judge Linda McGee of the North Carolina Court of Appeals; Kimberly Moulden; Beth A. Wood, North Carolina State Auditor; Minister Bob Moulden; Julius M. Santiago and Company; North Carolina State Senator Erica Smith-Ingram; and our keynote speaker North Carolina State Senator Don Davis. A special thanks to our Master of Ceremony, Melvin Williams, Secretary of the North Carolina Democratic Party for being such a great host.
A special thanks goes out to five of our past scholarship recipients who had a successful freshman year in college and returned back to Washington County to encourage and motivate all of us during our program this year: Jatron Simpson, Joanna Revels, Kiara Lashae Washington, Lauren Rogerson, William Hollingsworth, III.
Additionally many thanks to the Scholarship Committee for their hard work; all of the sponsors who contributed to this year’s scholarship fund; our high school ushers; Kim Clark Wright, SGM Arnold and his team for the outstanding food, Felicia Norman-Brooks for her amazing desserts, Mr. Bob and Denise Moulden, my mom and grandmother for decorating the venue, and Photographer and Graphic Designer Tim & Shareca Bowser of Timothy Bowser Multimedia, LLC. Click Here to see the photos from the event.
Our Third Annual Scholarship Recipients are:

Lauren Bazemore
Throughout this recipient’s high school years, this student participated in numerous things, some which include SGA, marching band, H.O.S.A, Explore Post, played volleyball and a member of the National Honor Society. In addition to this recipient’s extra curricular activity, she still managed to graduate in the top 10 percent of the graduating class. This recipient has been accepted to North Carolina A&T, Winston-Salem State, UNC Pembroke, Fayetteville State, North Carolina Central, Campbell, William Peace and Shaw but has committed to The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. When asked about the plans for this recipient’s future, this student stated they plan to pursue a Bachelor’s Degree in social work with a minor in Psychology. Thereafter, the student plans to pursue a Masters of Business Administration in Hampton, Virginia. The student plans to open her own business in Washington County because and I quote “ My community needs more people like me that are willing to make a change in rural communities.” This recipient is Ms. Lauren Bazemore.

Melanie Burnett
During the high school years of the next recipient, she participated in H.O.S.A, marching band, SGA where she served as the student body president, and a member of the National Honor Society. In addition to this recipient’s extra curricular activity, she also still managed to graduate in the top 10 percent of the graduating class. This recipient has been accepted to East Carolina, North Carolina Central, Winston Salem State, and Hampton but has committed to The University of North Carolina at Greensboro where she will major in Clinical Psychology. When asked “if you had unlimited talents, resources, money, and influence, what would you do with your life”, this recipient responded “I would give back to the children of Washington County because in our county they’re not a lot of activities for them to participate in. I would also give money to the Washington County Recreation center so that all kids can enjoy the services of their program. The recipient also stated she would give back to her church because she was always taught that if you give back to the kingdom of God, you will have favor and blessings poured upon your life forever. ” This recipient is Ms. Melanie Burnett.

Kendrel Cabarrus
Our next scholarship recipient participated in H.O.S.A, the National Honor Society, marching band where he is well known for playing the saxophone, and last but not least he completed an intensive 7-week program at Princeton University last summer. He was the first student from Washington County schools to participate in the leadership enterprise for a Diverse America. He had the highest GPA for his graduating class, which bestowed upon him the prestigious honor of Valedictorian. This recipient has been accepted to Pitzer College, UNC Asheville, Lawrence University, DePaul University, Wesleyan University, and University of Rochester but has committed to UNC Chapel Hill where he is currently undecided on his major. When asked “how do you define success” the recipient said “Success is different for everyone. At my age, I am still working to define my success, however, I know I want to be successful. I know that once I set my mind on something, I create a certain game plan to get there by working hard and praying harder and that is what success means to me.” This recipient is Mr. Kendrel Cabarrus.

Deri Ruby Diaz-Ochoa
The next recipient was active in the National Honor Society, JROTC, FFA, manager of the football team, and SGA. This recipient has been accepted to Beaufort County Community College, Martin Community College, Pitt Community College, Methodist University, and Barton College but has committed to East Carolina University to major in Nursing. This recipient will be a first generation college student. A faculty member that recommended her stated, “Ruby is very popular among her fellow students, very intelligent, hard working, and a humble student with excellent leadership qualities.” Her recommender went on to state, “That the most impressive aspect about Ruby is her maturity. She has repeatedly stepped forward as a member of each years class leadership to highlight situations in the local community.” This recipient is Ms. Deiri Ruby Diaz-Ochoa.

Corey Goss
Our next scholarship recipient is active in the Roper Volunteer Fire Department, a member of the Washington County 4-H, a member of FFA, a member of the Boys Scouts of America where he has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Additionally, this recipient is active in the national, district, and county Republican Party. This recipient has been accepted to East Carolina University and plans to double major in Political Science and Security Studies with a focus on the Pre-Law track. This recipient’s recommender stated, “This student has a desire to help others in dangerous situations which has been made evident when we are called on the scenes of fire calls. He has greatly assisted in numerous vehicle accidents and house fires. This student has a gift in not allowing high stress situations to offset his clarity and decision making skills. He has shown me and other firefighters that he is willing to sacrifice his own welfare in order to help others in any way possible. This recipient is Mr. Corey Goss.

Lindsea Mizell
Our next scholarship recipient was an active participant in the Beta Club, Student Council, served as the Senior Class President and also served as the editor for various pages on the yearbook staff. Additionally, this student had the highest GPA for her graduating class, which bestowed upon her the prestigious honor of Valedictorian. Outside of school, she is very active in her church and was crowned Queen of the first Annual Black Bear Festival Pageant. This recipient has been accepted to University of Mount Olive but has committed to the University of North Carolina at Wilmington to major in Special Education When asked about her plans for the future, she stated, “I hope to use my degree of Special Education in Washington County. Additionally, she stated, she had a dream to restore a beautiful farm house in Roper and hope to continue teaching at her church while bringing her children up in the loving rural ways of Washington County. This recipient is Ms. Lindsea Mizell.

Daneya Rouson
This scholarship recipient was active in the National Honor Society, marching band, participated on the basketball team that made it to the State Championship, volleyball, track and field, serving as a member of teen court, H.O.S.A, ad SGA. Outside of school, this recipient is an outstanding singer, which is displayed at her church home. This recipient has been accepted to East Carolina University and UNC Greensboro but has committed to Winston- Salem University majoring in Business Administration and minor in Music Business. While at WSSU, this recipient will be apart of their band program. When asked to “name one person who is either living or deceased that you aspire to be like” this recipient said “I aspire to be like my Grandmother, Gwenette Belcher. My Grandmother passed away when I was 9 years old but the memories I have of her, have been enough to remember her great personality. I aspire to be like my Grandmother because she taught me money can not buy true happiness but true happiness comes from the memories that we build with other people. This recipient is Ms. Daneya Rouson.

Evan Waters
Our final scholarship recipient was a member of JROTC serving as the highest ranking for a student as a Battalion Commander, the National Honor Society, FFA, SGA, served as the class president for 2 consecutive years, and a member of Superintendent’s Student Advisory Committee. Additionally, this student had the highest GPA for her graduating class, which bestowed upon her the prestigious honor of Valedictorian. This recipient has been accepted to North Carolina State University and UNC Wilmington but committed to UNC Chapel Hill planning to double major in Political Science and International Studies. When asked, “What do you hope to gain from your college experience?” this recipient said, “I feel this degree will be an effective way for me to help people in my community, state, and country become the best they can be. I am very determined to help others, and I feel the best way to help people is to give them the tools and knowledge to help themselves. I aspire to be an advocate for the people, and fight for their right to what is necessary for their success.” This recipient is Mr. Evan Waters.
On May 29, 2015, our office hosted the Second Annual Law Office of D. Cole Phelps Scholarship Banquet. Our eight high school senior scholarship recipients are: Arlander Cherry III, Janazia Dixon, Corletha Holley, William Hollingsworth III, Joanna Revels, Lauren Rogerson, Ja’Tron Simpson, and Kiara Washington.
We look forward to the contributions these eight young people will make to our community, our state, and our nation! Click Here to see the photos from the event.
Our Second Annual Scholarship Recipients are:

Arlander Cherry, III graduated from Plymouth High School on June 12, 2015 and will continue his education at North Carolina A&T University where his is planning to major in Computer Science. He has also signed to be a member of the A&T football team starting in the Fall of 2015. Arlander was active in H.O.S.A, SGA, the National Honor Society, Marching Band, Football, and Basketball. During the interview, when he was asked “if you could change one thing about Washington County, what would it be and why?” Arlander said he “would create more things to do for the young people. I believe that there are a lot of good kids here but there just isn’t enough for them to do so they go down the wrong path and get in trouble.”

Janazia Dixon graduated from Plymouth High School on June 12, 2015 and will be furthering her education at North Carolina Wesleyan College in the Fall of 2015 where she has signed to be a member of the women’s basketball team and will major in Physical Therapy and minor in Exercise Science. She served as the captain of the basketball and volleyball teams, she was a member in SGA and FBLA, and she also tutored underclassmen. When Janazia was asked to “name one person who is either living or deceased that you aspire to be like” she said, “I aspire to be like my youth minister, Denise Harris because she gives to others selflessly and never judges anyone based on his or her circumstances.”

William Hollingsworth, III graduated from Plymouth High School on June 12, 2015 and has committed to play football at North Carolina A&T University where he will major in Environmental Studies starting in the fall of 2015. William was the captain of his football team, band captain and sectional leader, and was also president of Nu Gamma Phi. He was also active in the math club, H.O.S.A, and the National Honor Society. In the interview, when we asked William “if you had unlimited talents, resources, money, and influence, what would you do with your life?” he responded, “I would first give back to my town. I would rebuild the recreation center, schools, and new projects. I feel as if making Plymouth a more affluent town would better our youth.”

Corletha Holley graduated from Creswell High School on June 12, 2015 and will be attending Winston-Salem State University in the Fall of 2014 but is currently undecided on her major. Corletha served as the President of FBLA, she was a member of the National Honor Society, Student Government Association and JROTC. In addition, she also played basketball, volleyball, softball, and participated in cheerleading. Corletha stated in her interview that her “top aspiration in life is to become better than then the person I was yesterday and to impact every individual within my presence in a positive manner.”

Joanna Revels graduated from Plymouth High School on June 12, 2015 and will be attending Beaufort County Community College to get her Associates in Science: College Transfer degree in the Fall of 2015. Joanna was the student body president, Salutatorian, active in the chess club, math club, National Honor Society, and future health professionals club. Furthermore, Joanna is a Girl Scouts Ambassador and active in the Christian Hope Church of Christ. When asked “how do you define success?” Joanna stated “success is not being the best but trying your best and knowing you did everything in your power.”

Lauren Rogerson graduated from Plymouth High School on June 12, 2015 and has signed to play on the women’s volleyball team at Wake Technical Community College starting in the Fall of 2015 where she will major in Radiology. Lauren was a class officer, played volleyball and softball, was involved in H.O.S.A, the math club, the National Honor Society, and is also involved in her church. In the interview when Lauren was asked “who is one person living or deceased that you aspire to be like” she said, “I aspire to be like my mother who is an educator. As an educator, my mom’s caring and loving attitude enables her to show students they are special and can accomplish anything they desire with hard work. I hope to be generous like her and put others needs before my own one day.”

Ja’Tron Simpson graduated from Plymouth High School on June 12, 2015 and will be furthering his education at Winston-Salem State University in the Fall of 2015 where he will begin taking classes to get his Bachelor’s Degree in Pre-Pharmaceutical Studies. Ja’Tron was very active in the athletic program at his school, playing football and basketball all four years. He was also involved in H.O.S.A, JROTC, SGA, FFA, and a member of the National Honor Society. In the interview when Ja’Tron was asked “how do you define success” he stated, “in order to succeed, you first have to fail. It is only through the struggle that you will succeed.”

Kiara Washington graduated from Plymouth High School on June 12, 2015 and will be joining the pirate family at East Carolina University in the Fall of 2015, where she plans on majoring in Nursing. Kiara was a member in H.O.S.A, SGA, National Honor Society, and also participated in cheerleading. She is involved with the American Red Cross, Washington County Food Pantry, and also volunteers at the Roanoke Landing Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. When Kiara was asked “if you had unlimited talents, resources, money, and influence, what would you do with your life?” She said, “I would like to build a nursing home that provides free care, food, shelter, and whatever else the resident’s heart desires. A motivating passion that inspires my future career plans in general is to let others know that they matter and that someone cares about their existence.”
Attorney Phelps founded The Law Office of D. Cole Phelps Scholarship Program in 2014. As someone who was born and raised in Washington County, Attorney Phelps understands the importance of higher education. He believes that in today’s changing world, education is the key to success, especially coming from Washington County. Therefore, he wanted to establish the scholarship program so that our young people who are born and raised in Washington County will see the importance of giving back to the community that gave them so much. A famous person once said “Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something.” Attorney Phelps wants to lead by doing his part to invest in our youth. They are our future leaders and it’s time for us to step up to the plate and show them that this community believes in them and in their future.
In the first annual scholarship program, our office awarded four $250 scholarships to high school seniors in Washington County who are enrolling in college in the fall of 2014. Attorney Phelps designed this scholarship so that it will help offset a few expenses students will incur during their first semester of college. The scholarship could help pay for books, a meal plan, items for a student’s dorm room, school supplies, etc. The criteria for this first annual scholarship was based on several factors including academic achievements, extracurricular activities, leadership skills, community involvement, and personal pursuits. The scholarship committee was composed of Latasha Sullivan, employee of our firm; Mary Wayt, Editor of The Roanoke Beacon; and Kathy Waters, retired employee from Washington County Schools.
On July 10, 2014, our firm hosted the first annual Law Office of D. Cole Phelps Scholarship Banquet at the First Christian Church in Plymouth, NC to celebrate the accomplishments of our four recipients and their families. Attorney Phelps introduced Attorney Watsi M. Sutton as the Keynote Speaker for the evening stating, “Attorney Sutton is my colleague, my mentor, and most importantly my friend. She was born and raised in Washington, North Carolina. Attorney Sutton attended NC A&T State University in Greensboro and then went on to pursue her law degree at the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in 2000. She is passionate about working for the sake of justice, while being sure to set a good example for the youth in the community. Currently, Attorney Sutton practices throughout the 2nd Judicial District and in surrounding counties including Martin and Beaufort.”
When she addressed the four recipients, Attorney Sutton told them, “I come to encourage and even to challenge you towards the bright futures that lie just outside the doors of this church.” She went on to say, “Your family, your classmates, your teachers, and the whole community are all awaiting your example. We need your impact. Young women and men are waiting and watching you.” Attorney Sutton concluded by saying, “Always remember that there is someone else who needs your example. Allow the greatness inside of you to be that example for others. Never abandon your dreams. To the honorees, we await your mark!”
Scholarship Committee Member Mary Wayt gave remarks to the recipients by saying, “I was amazed at your responses to the question ‘If you could change one thing in the entire world, what would it be?’ I was so impressed with the depth of the responses.” Scholarship Committee Member Kathy Waters stated, “As you know, I have long been a supporter of public schools and their students. Many students from our schools are very successful as evidence by Attorney Phelps and the students honored here tonight. I am proud to be a small part of this effort and look forward to it becoming an annual event.”
Attorney Phelps presented large life-sized checks, a plaque, and a check in the amount of $250.00 to each of the four recipients. The inaugural class of recipients for The Law Office of D. Cole Phelps Scholarship Program were: Lazarus Barrow, Olivia Blount, Earnest James, and Adrian Moore.
Our First Annual Scholarship Recipients are:




Adrian Moore graduated from Plymouth High School in June 2014 and will be attending North Carolina Wesleyan in the Fall of 2014 to major in Fitness Science and Physical Education. Adrian enjoys basketball and football. Due to the impact of a former coach, Adrian plans to coach to help make the lives of others better. When asked if he could change anything in the world, Adrian stated, “racism and prejudice.”
“Never stop working—the best is yet to come. Never stop dreaming. We need you to come back to Washington County. Our county needs people like you. If you decide not to come back, at least give back! Never forget where you come from and never forget where it all started for you.”
The Law Office of D. Cole Phelps would like to encourage all Creswell High School and Plymouth High School students to stay tuned for the release of the 2015 Scholarship Applications which will be made available to the public on March 20, 2015 at Creswell High School, Plymouth High School, and at our firm.

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